Monday, January 3, 2011

Noodle Soups - Undervalued Thai Food

Prior to moving to Thailand, I hadn't heard much (if anything) about Thai noodle soups which are a staple in this country. These soups come in a huge variety -  sometimes served with a curry flavour soup, spicy / sour like a Tom Yum or other flavouring like in the case of a Yen Ta Fo, clear soup, soup with lots of veggies or just fish balls, sometimes

Guay Tiao as it is known in Thai, are my favourite of all the types of soups available - thin rice noodles, fresh vegetables and meat served usually in a clear broth.You can find these stands on  pretty much every street corner, noodle market and home. I highly recommend any visitor should give them a try. Spiced up with dried chilli, chilli in fish sauce or chilli in vinegar, these soups are one of my all time favourite dishes.
These soups are also the perfect solution to a horrible hangover - which many of us have had to suffer thanks to New Years!