Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Street Food of Burma

Burma is an interesting country filled with such a variety of foods - some delicious, some not so delicious. It is incredibly different to the firey and fresh tastes of Thailand so we found ourselves really craving chilli and fresh vegetables.

One type of food that is very popular but as a traveller, i could not touch if you paid me, was the street food. In Thailand and Malaysia, I was more than happy to delve in and eat whatever was being cooked on the side of the road (sometimes with not such good reprocussions!) but it was always tasty. In Burma, however, most of the street food leaves a lot to be desired. For example, most of the food cooked on the street is offal - thats right, the guts of a beast! Whether thats intestines, heart, liver or brain, it is consumed here. And its cheap!

There are some indian influences also with Roti a very common sweet street food, but these are also found widely across Thailand and Malaysia

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